Monday, November 19, 2007

Welcome to O Street

The things Terron Austin (president of UCABJ) and I experienced at the Spirit of Diversity job fair can, and probably will, take up a whole slew of blog entries, so stay tuned.

We'll start in the middle with someone we met in Detroit named Oneita Jackson. Jackson is a copy editor at the Detroit Free Press (one of the two leading newspapers in the city). Her infectious confidence and outgoing personality seemed to have won her a lot of friends among the professional journalists in the room.

Terron said she reminded him of Kathy Y. Wilson a little bit, and once he mentioned it I couldn't help but agree. She has a similar attitude. Her demeanor seems to say, "I care about you but I don't give a flip about what you think of me."

She gave us some excellent advice about blogging. She runs a blog of her own at the Detroit Free Press that's become so successful people in the office often refer to her by the blog's title - "O Street." It has plenty of truth and plenty of humor (usually at the same time). Here's a link. Read it. Love it. Spread it around.

I thought of Kathy Wilson after reading today's entry (November 19, 2007). It was about a formal Fire Fighters Ball Jackson attended. Before heading to the ball a photo of her was taken and now it's up on the blog.

I almost laughed out loud at one of the comments a reader left.

"You look very beautiful in the photo but I think you need some weave. Your hair is too short."

The screen name above the comment? "Strong White Man." No kidding.

If it wasn't so much like something out of a Detroit version of "Your Negro Tour Guide," I might have been a little upset. But given the circumstances, I ended up chuckling.

Hmm... There's a little bit of name dropping going on in the blog today. I wonder if this counts as "networking?"

~Geoffrey Dobbins
vice president, UCABJ

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