Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Boston Globe columnist: We don't need more black White House journos

"With so many other things to worry about, and with the whole world able to see that racial identity is no longer a barrier to even the most powerful position in American life, you might think the press would finally be ready to abandon its unhealthy preoccupation with the color of skin - especially the skin within its own ranks. Alas, no."

This is coming from a columnist (he, of course, get paid for his opinion), but I wonder if it's how people throughout the industry really feel about the election of Barack Obama. Do we need black journalists to cover a black president? I hope organizations like NABJ are ready to have its existence and its members called into question on the national stage for the next four years.

1 comment:

Geoffrey Dobbins said...

Rubbish...I think we all saw this coming a mile away.

As long as racial disparities exist, people who care about justice will be working to close them. Game, set, match.

To me this sounds a lot like children that don't want to eat vegetables trying to convince their parents that pizza sauce counts. We all gotta just say "If you don't eat those social justice veggies, the country won't grow up to be big and strong!"

Obama's presidency has changed the world, no doubt. But it's a beginning and not an end. Tokenism won't work on anybody interested in a genuine, honest discussion.


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